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3070861307   Revamping English Teaching with Cutting-Edge Resources (Secundària)
2023-2024   Cicle de conferències. Secundària Obligatòria i batxillerat
   6/2/2024 - 20/2/2024 (5 hores) de 15:30h a 17:30h
   CRP del Baix Llobregat VI
   Albacete, 1 (Sant Vicenç dels Horts) 
Format   En línia
Sincronicitat    Síncron
Organització   Servei Educatiu Baix Llobregat VI
Accessos   Veure plànol
Inscripció   07/01/2024 - 15/01/2024
Descripció i   Metodologia:   Throughout these virtuals sessions, we'll immerse ourselves in a diverse array of resources and creative ideas, fostering an engaging learning atmosphere. We'll not only experience these resources firsthand but also take the time to reflect and discuss their impact. Additionally, we'll explore real-life teaching examples based on the new curriculum to gain valuable insights and inspiration.

Get ready to revamp your English lessons and explore a world of dynamic teaching techniques! Together, we'll elevate our teaching experience and empower our students for success.
Objectius   - Learn creative ideas for classroom application

-Explore resources and dynamics that encourage active learning
Continguts   -Resources and creative ideas, fostering an engaging learning atmosphere.

-Explore a world of dynamic teaching techniques.

- Examples of high school teaching proposals based on the new curriculum.

Formador/a   Maria Mont
Avaluació   - Evaluation of the people attending
Requisits de  certificació   Attendance at 100% of the sessions and application of some of the proposals proposed throughout the course
Persones  destinatàries   Teachers from educational centers of Servei Educatiu Baix Llobregat 6
E-mail   a8903084@xtec.cat
 Sessió 1   dimarts   06/02/2024   1530   1730 
 Sessió 2   dimarts   20/02/2024   1530   1730 

Generalitat de Catalunya
Departament d'Educació
Pla de formació permanent